Bbc Radio App For Apple Mac
Posted : admin On 07.01.2020Best Answer: With iOS 13.2 on iPhone and HomePod there is now a simple way of adding this (even if native support would be appreciated). I use the following shortcut with the Receiver Radio app but is should work with any radio app that has support for Apple Shortcuts or Siri. How to use the BBC Music app: Search for tracks recently played on BBC radio Another useful option here is Find A Track, which allows you see what tracks were played on any BBC radio station at. About BBC Radio Widget (Unofficial) All the BBC’s national, regional and local radio streams in one handy widget. 58 stations to choose from — from Radio 1, to Radio Scotland, to Radio Derby — along with schedule information so you know what you’re listening to! Oct 17, 2017 If you’re a fan of listening to BBC radio shows while driving, the latest update to the iPlayer Radio app adds CarPlay support The app lets you listen to live streams of BBC radio stations. BBC are constantly changing their association with the net and Apple. Just picked up this note on a Google page. It may explain. How do changes to the BBC iPlayer Radio app.
The BBC is releasing a new free mobile app today called BBC Sounds, which brings together the broadcaster's extensive library of live and on-demand radio, music, and podcasts within a single audio player interface.
The BBC says the app has been designed to learn from the user's listening habits and introduce them to shows and podcasts that they might not otherwise know about, as Dan Taylor-Watt, head of BBC iPlayer, explains:
'Every user's experience of BBC Sounds will be unique as it's designed to learn from your listening habits, providing one-tap access to the latest episodes of your favorite BBC podcasts and radio shows and introducing you to new audio you wouldn't otherwise have discovered from the 80,000 (yes, really) hours available.'
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This content is delivered in a 'Recommended for you' section, which showcases 10 on-demand shows at any one time, and automatically refreshes based on recent listening.
Bbc News Apple
The live radio section of the app retains the virtual tuning dial used in the BBC iPlayer Radio app, which Sounds will eventually replace, and acts as a portal to all of the BBC's 18 national and 40 local stations.
There are also hand-picked collections of podcasts and on-demand music shows on offer to match the listener's mood, like Funny Chat, Upgrade Your Life, Live Sessions, and Dance Mixes.
Bbc Radio Player App
Podcast and show categories cover the full gamut of content available, such as hip hop, classical, crime, and science and technology, while a 'Continue Listening' section highlights podcasts and radio shows that have only been listened to part-way through, as well as next episodes to consider.
Users can add any individual episode or clip to the 'My List' section to listen to later. In addition, subscribing to podcasts and programs generates a personalized feed of the latest episodes via the 'My Sounds' section.

Bbc Radio App For Apple Mac Pc
The BBC says there are several additional features in the pipeline for Sounds this year, including downloads to enable offline listening, so expect updates in the months ahead.